Yep, last night (and maybe all those other after work parties) was a blinding night! You danced, you giggled, you drank (far too much but who cares) and literally looked amazeballs. Here's to the good times, right? Now it's 7:30am and frankly, you don't quite feel a million dollars, let alone look it. If you're going to work, we feel ya, it's gonna hurt...Bad.

Barbie dressed as Santa and drunk or hungover

If anything, experience & hindsight have taught me well and hiding a hangover is just another party trick in our beauty books. It's just not always that easy as time goes by...and lack of sleep so does not help.

  • First up, depending on what state you arrived home last night, try and drink as much water as possible before your pretty little head of yours hits the pillow. 
  • Always wash & cleanse your face before going to bed. If it just seems like too much hard work, have some Micellar water face wipes to banish the remnants of makeup you've worn.
  • Moisturize! Secrets out but this product is magic in a bottle: Khiels Midnight Recovery concentrate, via here. You'll be thanking us for these three important before I go to bed things the following day.

Hungover Everything hurts

  • When you wake up, it's likely your skin will look dull and lifeless, oh and super dehydrated, skip the cuppa and opt for something filled with electrolytes, such as Vita Coco Coconut water or fruit juice. Still feeling a bit dodgy? An Alka Seltzer in a glass of cold water is the biggest lifesaver ever, nuff said.
  • Moisturize the heck out of your skin, if you didn't manage to the night before. Alternatively a good BB cream ought to do the trick at evening out the skin tone and bring your skin to life.
  • After you've applied foundation, dig out that creamy concealer and Kim K the heck out of your under eye area, working an upside triangle shape under the eye area and blend (not rub!) well by using your ring finger. We love Bobbi Browns Creamy Concealer kit via here and firm lifesaving fave of mine; MAC's much-loved Studio Finish Concealer via here.
  • Mask the lifelessness of your skin by adding some peach or pink blusher, your face will at least resemble something more alive than corpse like when you woke up. Say buh-bye to grey skin.
  • Wake your eyes up with a couple of layers of mascara and yes, you will need that eyelash curler. Just don't bother with the eyeliner, that would be a big mistake, no huge!
  • Grab that illuminating face powder and set that face... We adore Nars Light reflecting loose powder, via here. Ok, you're ready now to say hello to the world even if you don't want to. 

...and if you're really not quite ready to face the world, the best accessory ever!

Britta Perry putting on sunglasses Hangover

 Sunglasses are every girls essential for the morning after a huge night out!

We hope you have a Merry Christmas darlings and don't forget bae...

Zendaya Slay gif

Thanks for all your support & love.




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